Journey Into Mediumship
My journey with the spirit world has been a challenging and rewarding one. As I was drawn to work with spirit, my experiences have been very diverse. In Peru and Teotihuacan, I had the gift of being able to work with local shamans. These opportunities brought me closer to my true self as well as strengthened my relationship with the spirit realm. I was able to become more grounded in this new awareness, as I reestablished the link that I had severed as a child.
As with all things, mediumship is a learning process. I am constantly challenging myself to be the best I can be. I regularly attend the Arthur Findlay College at Stansted Hall in the United Kingdom. The college is the premier school for mediumship worldwide instructing many renowned mediums such as John Holland and Janet Nohavec. I am a Certified Medium by Lisa Williams and a Six Sensory Practitioner with Sonia Choquette. I have additional experience with the Monroe Institute, Anne Reith, Miguel Ruiz and many more.
Prior to embarking on my journey as a medium; I spent many years working in the corporate world in science, sales, and marketing. I graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Broadcast Communications.
Shereece in Machu Picchu