The best way to approach a reading, is to have an open mind. Although you may want to connect with one particular person, it is often the strongest energies that make the first connection. Always be open to different possibilities because even unexpected messages and communicators can be a rewarding part of your healing process.
To increase your chances of hearing from a specific loved one, you can talk with them prior to your session and ask them to come through clearly in your reading. Keep in mind that some spirits are better communicators than others. If they were shy in life, they will most likely need a little more encouragement than someone who was naturally outgoing. The spirit world responds to your thoughts and emotions. By sending them your love and thoughts, you are inviting them to participate in the session.
Tips for a Great Reading
Set an intention for your reading: what would you like to accomplish? (Then let it go).
Through your thoughts and prayers, ask your loved ones to show up and communicate clearly through your medium.
Make a mental note of friends and family who have crossed.
Let the medium know when they are correct. (Never feed them info, but a simple "yes" will allow for the positive flow of energy to continue)
Be willing to work with the medium on interpreting the information that comes through. Symbols may come up that may have significance to you, and only you know the interpretation.
For example, if I see a courtroom and you work in the law, this is an acknowledgment that the spirit world is aware of your daily life. These confirmations are there if you are open to the message.
Creating a connection
In readings, I am connecting with your loved ones, as well as your highest guidance for you at this time. Spirit has their own agenda, which makes each reading a wonderful and unique experience.
Mediumship Reading
Shereece will connect you with the spirit world!
A link of communication will be established on your behalf, connecting you with your loved ones in spirit. These readings bring through evidence of continued survival. Each session is a unique experience tailored to your individual needs. There will be opportunities to ask specific questions along the way!Please note: There is no guarantee a specific person will come through, as Shereece relies solely on the spirit world. Shereece will help to bring insight as to why this may be. Having said that, this is very rare, but it does occasionally happen.
Psychic/Intuitive Reading
Shereece will empower your soul’s journey!
In this reading, a connection is made to assess your individual path as a soul. This reading offers insight, looking at your strengths and opportunities for growth. This is the perfect time to bring forward specific questions you may seek clarity on. The purpose is not in giving predictions, but allowing guidance to bring through the answers that already lie within you. This can be an empowering and healing experience, as you gain new awareness into your experience.
Please note: Everyone has free will, the future can always change according to your own actions and choices. You are fully in charge of your own experience!