“Dear Shereece, Thank you so much for the wonderful readings I had with you! My Mom died a long time ago and although the pain is no longer raw, I do feel sad from time to time. I didn't know what to expect, but you were reassuring and professional and I knew I could trust whatever came through. My Mom definitely came through – loud and clear and that made me truly happy! I laughed, I cried, but most important I knew, by your chosen words and the facts you mentioned, that it was my Mom. She was a very unique lady and I feel closer to her now than I have in a very long time. You are truly gifted and my heart is much happier now.”
— Alexandria, San Francisco, CA
“Dear Shereece, I just wanted to thank you again for sharing your time and amazing gift with me last February. I can’t even explain how it has affected me. I have been living with so much sadness for the past 20 years. In the 2 short hours of our time together, you have filled the void with love and happiness.”
“Your detailed descriptions of my loved ones personality were spot on. There messages were much validation for me, that my family members are still with me guiding me every day. Thank you for that. It truly is a gift and I am grateful that I was able to find you and have you share it with me.”
— Courtney, Los Angeles, CA
“I feel very blessed to have received a reading from Shereece. Spirit communicated through her with an astonishing clarity and directness and the messages that I received about where I stand in my life right now and what the possibilities for my future are touched me deeply. I am very grateful to have received this guidance.”
— Tania Costantini Zimmermann, Marbella, Spain
“Shereece, I wanted to write you and Thank you for the amazing connection you made for me with my mom. My mother had crossed over in June last year and you read me in November 2011. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done. It was like talking to her again. You really touched my heart and sorry for the tears but they were tears of joy. The things and facts you told me were spot on and I remember it today just as crystal clear. I thank you for the work you do, you are truly an amazing Medium. You will touch many lives and I know you touched mine deeply.”
— Margaret Hargett, North Carolina
“Shereece, Thank you so much for contacting my Dad for me. I really felt his presence all around me while we were talking. I was amazed how you described him so well. You told me he was eager to talk to me, and I felt the same about talking to him. I didn't realize until I was off the phone with you, that we were in my car talking together the whole time. That was so perfect, because that is the very place my dad and I always had our heart to heart conversations, and that is the place I always think of him the most now that he has passed! It was meant to be.”
“There were so many things left unsaid between us. You brought us together and helped us clear up many unanswered questions.”
“Overall, I have noticed a new sense of peace when I think of my dad now. I have also noticed when my dad comes to me in my dreams, I am more at peace. Before we talked, I always felt so unsettled when I would dream about him.”
“Thank you so much for taking your time with us and brining us together again. I look forward to another reading.”
— B.B.J. Marin County, CA
“I can't speak highly enough of Shereece and her amazing gift. After my readings for my mother and father, I stopped wondering "Are you listening to me?" "Are you here with me?" Shereece's accuracy validated my belief in the spiritual world. My readings were enlightening and they gave me eternal peace about death. I feel so much closer to my mother and father than ever before. Shereece has a very warm, sincere, and comforting approach. She is a blessing!”
— Veronica, Petaluma, CA
“Shereece is a wonderful, caring medium with whom I felt safe to try to contact my late brother-in-law if he felt like coming through. I have never done this before, and was rather apprehensive. However, Shereece put me at my ease, and sure enough, he came through and gave some information that was very comforting to my husband. It was a perfect first experience for me.”
— FP, London, UK
“Shereece has a true gift. She is able to hear and clearly communicate with those who are on the other side. Her reading for me was accurate, healing, and very helpful. She brought deep understanding of some issues my family was struggling with in regards to the dying of a loved one. I am grateful and blessed by having Shereece in my life.”
— Sheryl Lee, Los Angeles, CA
“Shereece, I wanted to thank you for connecting me with my mom who crossed March 4, 2012. You connected me on December 19, 2013, and you are amazing. I was a skeptic about psychics and tarot card readers but your mediumship has allowed me to keep an opened mind. Your extraordinary energy combined with my mom's and other crossed family members has given me a reading that will now give me closure in my life. Thank you. Your the best.”
— Alexis Bell, Los Angeles, CA